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Let's Face The Reality - Open Your Eyes

Let's Face the reality. During my experience with Life and Spiritualism I have faced many of Religions. Including Hindusm, Christianity, Muslism, & Sikhs. Well i have gone to a new level of knowing religions now, This blog is all about it. Now i am practicising Jainism. Trust me it is not to harsh to follow this religion, If you are thinking that i am going to say that then you are wrong. This is one of the most Structured and Well Versed Religion. Which includes strengthening your Mind about various things. Which you think are most important for all of us in day to day life. Well Jainism is all the paths which you would have to follow. Their is no alternative for god, but in Jainism to meeting with god you have to make yourself Pure. So that you can be able to stand in front of god. So that you can tell him that i am pure. I am the one which you choose who will be residing with you, in you. After all god chooses the best spirits. Who are not worried about materialism. Who are gone below the Material World and now they are living in a different world of Spirituality. Well many times people are asked to believe in god, But let me tell you god doesn't just come like that you have to make your efforts. If you are lying on a single place and hoping that someone would come and help you out. Well this could be possible but their are very hypothetical chances that you will get success in that. You have to get up do something and have to give your efforts, atleast. Rest of the things depends on the person who you are expecting will help you out. Let me tell you a single thing. Today i was discussing many of the parts of Jainism and some of the people were asking silly questions. Because they didn't believe in Jainism but they did believed in Hinduism. I am a Hindu and i dont live in any boundry. Because i know all the Dharmas Depends on Your Karmas. If you don't do any Karma then you will not get anything out of your Dharma. All dharma teaches Peace. Their was a friend of mine who was asking silly questions about Jainism. Their was a Jain Person who got angry on me that i shouldn't explain to those people who don't even understand what Jainism is and what they can get from it. Then that friend of mine asked me a single question. Why did i stopped eating Non-Veg. That person was trying to tell me something else but because i was not in that situation, I didn't understood what she was trying to say.

I am sorry. If i have hurt you. But i believe that their is a great potential in Each Dharma. So we should learn the best part of it and then let the world know. Now let the world decide which path to follow or Not. It depends on them. Truly Depend on them. Because we have shown them the path of Light now it depends on them that they want to open their Eyes, or they will still be closing their eyes and would be saying that their is no Light in this world.
I Hope You all understood what i wanted to say.

Jai Jinendra.


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