Once again it's time to write a blog on my experience which soi am sharing this with you . we all use orkut and youtube but never get a chance to see the perspective of the world. because we are not intrested, i felt it so thought of sharing with my world of blogs. so i am sharing this experience with you guys, when i saw this video. this person have asked everyone to add the video and think about it......... So I Thought and really felt amazed and lovely about it. there were some thoughts of mine which i wrote here you can write your thoughts as comment if you like so....... So here is the thought which was written there and i am sharing it with you guys. There was a big survey of openspace organization to check out the peoples what they will do if they got 500 bucks. Some told that they will get a branded underwear, some told they will have a irish hair cut some told they will waste on alcohol sorry sorry not waste they will spend it on alcohol some told 500 bucks are not enou...