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My Perception

Today night I went to my mess. where, I am used to have dinner every night. I just go there have dinner and come back in 20 minutes and i never look the different aspects of people around me, it is my regular schedule but today it was different I met with a kid over there. Who was around 12 to 13 years old, he was a simple and a sober guy, working over there, doing some cleaning stuff and achieving his bread and batter. I asked him for Chapati (Bread) he gave it to me I told him Thank You and in reply he also said thank you and he just went to continue his stuff. he was busy with his work. I was amazed about it because it reminds me about my old times, when I was a kid how I was used to try for speaking English, It reminds me about the old golden days which I have spent in my childhood. When I just passed 10th I was so much mischievous, I was used to fight with everyone without keeping in mind what their age is? how much senior they are from me? and this bought me to a new phase of my life. When I was in 10th standard, instead of sitting in home i was used to work. My dad went to ask his friend that whether he can look for a job so that I can work over there, luckily I got one job. This job was of a compounder (For those who are not able to understand this term, it means a helper of a doctor who can operate patients when doctor is not available, but till some extent). I worked there for around two months, and I can’t tell you how great experience I had over their. I wiped the floor, I did a lot of things, many times I lost my sense and felt down on the floor in unconsciousness, many times I cured people but didn’t took any fee from them. Then I worked on a TV Shop. Where I worked for around two months as usually this time also the shop owner was a friend of my father. I met with many rough people of my life over there, who was used to abuse me, tease me and even beat me. But I didn’t had any other option then working. It was not a compulsion from my family but still I don’t want to see all those distrubing things which i was used to do at my free time. My mom was used to say: "free mind means corrupt mind, which can think a lot of bad things". At that time there was no direction to my life all I knew was that I want to be a software engineer. How I can do that, That I never knew. Many of you would be thinking what I am writing but trust me this is my life and I thought of sharing it with you and that’s what I did.
अब किसी ने सही ही कहा है :-
मुझ से ये न पूछो कि में क्या हूँ
पूछना है तो ये पूछो कि में क्यों जिन्दा हूँ
वक़्त ने तो बड़ा सताया मुझे,
पर में फिर भी हकीकते बया हूँ|


hmmmmm dats gr888 buddy...
u showed me d real life..

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