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It's all about perspective

Once again it's time to write a blog on my experience which soi am sharing this with you . we all use orkut and youtube but never get a chance to see the perspective of the world. because we are not intrested, i felt it so thought of sharing with my world of blogs. so i am sharing this experience with you guys, when i saw this video. this person have asked everyone to add the video and think about it......... So I Thought and really felt amazed and lovely about it. there were some thoughts of mine which i wrote here you can write your thoughts as comment if you like so....... So here is the thought which was written there and i am sharing it with you guys. There was a big survey of openspace organization to check out the peoples what they will do if they got 500 bucks. Some told that they will get a branded underwear, some told they will have a irish hair cut some told they will waste on alcohol sorry sorry not waste they will spend it on alcohol some told 500 bucks are not enough give me more but there was some childs also there who were lower middle class when these guys ask them they told they will spend on education, they will spend it on tution fees some told they will spend it on the work of home and they all were responsible so what is the point here..... That's what we are all talking about no one is changed some people are having the money and some people don't have but what is the point! if the person gets the money how is he going to use it is he going to waste it or he is going to use it in a good manner it is all about "Perspective". It's not about how you feel, it's not even about how do you plan and what the need is it's all about the "Perspective". So we have to think about the choice what is the choice we are going to make and it's all about the way which we are going to walk on it could be our own way it could be the great leaders way or it could be the wrong way also so that is what the most important what we are going to choose...... So this is my humble request to you guys it's not what you feel is wrong or right it's all about what are you going to choose so please think before choosing All the best will meet you again


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