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The Hidden Truth.

Hey folks, Howz you doing. Just thought of telling you a lovely story about the world of internet and how does it affects us in our life. So Here we go.


This is a story of my friend’s marriage where I got introduced to Latika. She was a quite simple and optimistic girl. I just met her in marriage we both had a lovely time together at that marriage and then I came back to Bhubaneswar. After some time I was sitting on my laptop to check out my mail’s and most important my orkut Scraps. Where I found a friend request of Latika on Orkut and as usual I accepted it(It’s not like I accept all requests but if it is of a girl then who is going to reject it yaar ;-) ) Then we usually started chatting with each other and I don’t know when general talks became very important talks of the day.


I was having conversation with her regarding my bad hobbies and she was quite accepting it. It was really a shame for me. So with my bad qualities I told her that I am going to quit It and I won’t be doing it again. After a week I really started quitting things for a person whom I really never knew from a close point of view she was really an awesome girl for me. Then one day we both chat for more than 3 hours and in that 3 hours she came and went to many places but I was stick to the place and couldn’t go anywhere I was just waiting for her that when she will come what I will talk and all the things. We both had a great time together discussing all the things. After three hours she told me she had a great time chatting with me. I was quite happy with this. I told her to have my phone number if she could ever text me or something or if she wants to talk with me I will be always there to talk with her.


It was a Wednesday morning when she called me I was quite happy. We both started talking from formal talks like “Hi, How are you, How was your day, How do you work etc.” Then she came to the point that she loves to talk with me and I was telling the same I felt like this is the right time to tell her how much I like her I told her everything and she told me the same but I was quite not sure whether it is the right time to propose her or not but I didn’t said anything. I was quite wondering if she will tell it first. Since she was the first who took the initiative of all the things, So I thought maybe this initiative should also be taken by her (Since I don’t want to lose her because I was afraid what if I told her and she rejected then she won’t be talking with me at all which I never wanted). So, She didn’t told anything neither do I so we both kept quiet for a long time then she spoke-“You know Aryan, I don’t know how to tell this but I think I have started liking you a lot. You means more then anything to me. I am always use to think about you I really feel great when I talk with you.

I-“Hmm hmm.”

Latika-“I don’t know what you would be thinking about me but I think I love you”

I-“Hmm Hmm…………………What?, Sorry I Think I heard it wrong can you please come again”.

Latika-“I don’t Know what you would be thinking about me but I think I like you”.

I-“Not this line, Tell me the line which you told first”.

Latika-“I told you this only baba, I haven’t told you anything else”.

I-(Knowingly) Oh, Shhhhuuu. Thank god I thought you started loving me. I was quite afraid what if you started loving me and all. Thank god you didn’t thought that.

Latika-“(Surprized) Are you sure, Why you are afraid if I proposed you.”

I-“Then again this initiative will also be taken by you na so only, Let me tell you First, That I Really love you when I talk with you I feel really great, I feel that you should have been in front of me, I feel that I should have looked in your eyes when you was near me. I Feel really great about everything my love. I Really do love you a lot I am really crazy about you more than anything.”

Latika-“Oh really, Thank You. I Love you too.”

This was the world’s best conversation I had with anyone and I always wanted this one to be the best one of my life.


We were in some other world and we both were having lovely time of our life. Before we were used to talk for 1 hour in 10 to 15 days but now we are used to talk for more than 1 hour every day. It was quite lovely for my Heart but not for My pocketJ. But I never cared about money what I cared about you was the one I loved the most. We have even planned to get married as soon as it could be possible I really felt good about this feeling. Once we will get married what and all the masti’s and the lovely time we can spend together. I was quite happy, Till……………………..


This was the worst day of my life. Latika called me and she said that-“Our relationship cannot be continued further”. I was quite afraid what she is telling and all, but she was damn sure about it I asked her what happened but she completely refused. I was quite frustrated I don’t know what to do then finally she told me that when we both were talking her elder sister heard everything and she is blackmailing her that she will disclose this matter in front of everyone and then it will be a problem for both of them to face their families so it’s better to quit this relationship. I was quite afraid and then her call got disconnected I tried it again but nothing happened I called many time but everytime the mobile was switched off I asked to my friend about her but he told me he was not quite sure from which relation she was. I Looked over orkut, Facebook, Twitter but I really couldn’t found her again I was really broken that I lost my love I lost my life after a long time I was checking my orkut and then I found her profile with Married status and some marriage photos were also there. I was broken and I have no words for her. So I prayed to god that god whatever she asks to you just give it to her. Whether she desire that or not.


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